A plea to Daniel Cameron

By Vincent Gonzalez and Jim Johnson

The July 15th Courier Journal article “Protestors march to AG’s Yard,”  penned by Bailey Loosemore, Hayes Gardner, and Ben Tobin, told the story of the 100 protesters who, “took their call for justice for Breonna Taylor to Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s front yard in Louisville’s East end on Tuesday, [July 14th] where they locked arms while facing arrest.”  They were clear.  They want the Kentucky Attorney General, Daniel Cameron, to complete the investigation that cost Breonna Taylor her life and release the results. The no-knock warrant event conducted by Louisville Metro Police that ended in the death of Breonna Taylor occurred March 13th, over five months ago.

July 14th, 87 protestors who demonstrated in front of Cameron’s house were arrested.  We wonder if it was not Daniel Cameron who should have been arrested:  arrested and charged with obstruction of justice, since the investigation of the event that cost Breonna Taylor her life is now over five months old. In Cameron’s defense he states, “From the beginning, our office has set out to do its job, to fully investigate the events surrounding the death of Ms. Breonna Taylor. We continue with a thorough and fair investigation” (a quote from the July 15 Loosemore, Gardner, and Tobin C-J article). In order to prove this statement is not just rhetoric, the Attorney General must establish a timeline and complete this investigation within the next two weeks.

There are now four people participating in a hunger strike: Ari Maybe, Vincent Gonzalez, Tabin Ibershoff, and Amira Bryant. The hunger strike began July 20th and will end when the Cameron investigation is completed and released.  Their health is now in the hands of the Attorney General. We are calling on the Attorney General to do his job and complete this investigation promptly. 


Vincent Gonzalez is a member of Hunger Strikers for Breonna.

Jim Johnson is a retired Jefferson County Public School teacher.  He has been involved in the Louisville Peace and Justice community since 1985. He is currently the facilitator for the Fellowship of Reconciliation affiliate “Aim Higher” and is on the board of directors of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR). He can be reached at  jimpeace8@att.net